NMN en testosteron

NMN and testosterone

More and more people are wondering if NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) can increase testosterone levels. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, including a decline in testosterone. Research has been conducted on the influence of NMN on testosterone, with researchers trying to understand if this supplement can play a role in supporting healthy hormone levels. In this blog, we will briefly discuss what NMN is and what the outcomes of this research have shown so far.

What is testosterone 

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is produced in the testicles in men, but it is also produced in smaller amounts in the ovaries of women and the adrenal glands of both men and women. This hormone is crucial for the development of male sexual characteristics such as body hair growth, voice development, and sperm production.

In addition to these functions, testosterone is responsible for maintaining muscle mass, bone density, and libido. This makes it an important hormone for both physical strength and overall health in both men and women.

Functions of testosterone

functies van testosteron

The paragraph below provides insight into the various aspects by which testosterone influences well-being and emphasizes the importance of a healthy testosterone level for the optimal functioning of the body.

  • Spiergroei: Testosteron speelt een belangrijke rol bij het stimuleren van eiwitsynthese, wat bijdraagt aan de opbouw van spiermassa. Het verhoogt de productie van spierweefsel en bevordert herstel na fysieke inspanning, waardoor het lichaam sterker en gespierder wordt.
  • Libido: Testosteron is een van de belangrijkste hormonen die het seksuele verlangen bij zowel mannen als vrouwen reguleert. Een gezond testosterongehalte draagt bij aan een gezond libido en kan een grote rol spelen in het behouden van seksuele activiteit en interesse.
  • Energie: Voldoende testosteron helpt bij het reguleren van energieniveaus. Een laag testosterongehalte kan leiden tot vermoeidheid en een gebrek aan fysieke motivatie, terwijl optimale niveaus voor een energiek en fit gevoel zorgen, zelfs bij dagelijkse activiteiten.
  • Stemming: Testosteron heeft ook invloed op de stemming. Het helpt bij het reguleren van gevoelens van welzijn en kan depressieve symptomen verminderen. Een laag testosteronniveau wordt vaak in verband gebracht met prikkelbaarheid, verminderde motivatie en een algemeen gevoel van lusteloosheid.

Research: does NMN increase testosterone?

On various websites, studies are mentioned suggesting that the use of NMN supplements may have an impact on testosterone levels in men. In one of these studies, it was stated that men who consistently took NMN supplements for 12 weeks saw an increase in their testosterone levels of about 47%. Although these results seem impressive, it is crucial to emphasize that this research does not yet provide sufficient evidence that NMN actually increases testosterone levels. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and fully understand the effects of NMN on testosterone levels.

On another website, a study was mentioned in which NMN was administered to participants for 3 months. The researchers reported an increase in both the total serum testosterone levels and the free, or bioavailable, forms of testosterone. This could indicate an improvement in the hormonal balance in the body. However, it is too early to draw definitive conclusions from this. To date, there is insufficient evidence to claim that NMN actually increases testosterone levels. Further well-designed studies are needed to substantiate these findings. Until then, it is important to approach such preliminary results with caution and not consider them as definitive truth.

NMN effects on testosterone

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) works by improving the energy production of cells, particularly through the increase of NAD+ levels. This improved energy production can indirectly influence the production of hormones such as testosterone. When the cells function more efficiently, it has a positive effect on the hormone-regulating systems in the body, including those involved in testosterone production. Additionally, NMN helps to counteract oxidative stress in the testicular cells. Oxidative stress, caused by an excess of free radicals, is known to disrupt testosterone production and the overall health of the testes.

By reducing the harmful effects of oxidative stress, NMN can help prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death) in testicular cells. This can help maintain healthy testosterone levels, as healthy testicular cells are crucial for the production of testosterone.

Some researchers suspect that NAD+ can stimulate certain enzymes involved in steroidogenesis – the process by which steroid hormones such as testosterone are produced. NAD+ could promote the activity of enzymes directly responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, providing further support for the idea that NMN may play a role in optimizing hormonal balance.


Although the initial studies on the influence of NMN on testosterone levels are promising, more scientific evidence is needed to confidently state that NMN significantly increases testosterone production. The preliminary results show that NMN can have a positive effect on hormonal balance by improving the energy levels of cells and reducing oxidative stress, which may contribute to healthy testosterone levels.

If you are curious about the effects of NMN on your own testosterone, you might consider NMN supplements to try it yourself. 

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