
Onderzoek: activatie van SIRT1 door Resveratrol, een grote stap tegen veroudering

Research: activation of SIRT1 by Resveratrol, a...

Sirtuins, specifically SIRTs, are essential proteins that influence various cellular processes, such as mitochondrial function and genome integrity. In mammals, seven variants of sirtuins (SIRT1-SIRT7) have been identified so far,...

Research: activation of SIRT1 by Resveratrol, a...

Sirtuins, specifically SIRTs, are essential proteins that influence various cellular processes, such as mitochondrial function and genome integrity. In mammals, seven variants of sirtuins (SIRT1-SIRT7) have been identified so far,...

NMN voorkomt schade aan luchtwegen door luchtvervuiling

Research: NMN Protects Lungs Against Damage fro...

Inhaling of polluted air can lead to a decrease in NAD+ levels, resulting in inflammation and lung damage. Nevertheless, research shows that the use of NMN, a precursor of NAD+,...

Research: NMN Protects Lungs Against Damage fro...

Inhaling of polluted air can lead to a decrease in NAD+ levels, resulting in inflammation and lung damage. Nevertheless, research shows that the use of NMN, a precursor of NAD+,...

NMN Studie: NMN is veilig en verhoogt NAD+ niveaus in het lichaam

NMN Study: NMN is safe and increases NAD+ level...

Recent research (April 2022) demonstrates that the oral administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide is safe and efficiently increases the blood levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in healthy subjects. Summary of results:...

NMN Study: NMN is safe and increases NAD+ level...

Recent research (April 2022) demonstrates that the oral administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide is safe and efficiently increases the blood levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in healthy subjects. Summary of results:...

Onderzoek: NMN vermindert stijfheid van de aderen.

Research: NMN reduces stiffness of the veins.

In this study, the influence of NMN on arterial stiffness and blood pressure was investigated. Research Results: Supplementation of NAD+-boosting agents reduced the stiffness of blood vessels, suggesting that NMN...

Research: NMN reduces stiffness of the veins.

In this study, the influence of NMN on arterial stiffness and blood pressure was investigated. Research Results: Supplementation of NAD+-boosting agents reduced the stiffness of blood vessels, suggesting that NMN...

Studie: NMN verlaagt bloeddruk, gewicht & cholesterol. NAD-niveaus namen toe.

Study: NMN Reduces Blood Pressure, Weight, & Ch...

Summary results: Treatment with MIB-626 led to a significant rise in blood NAD levels by day 14 and day 28 compared to baseline. Serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,...

Study: NMN Reduces Blood Pressure, Weight, & Ch...

Summary results: Treatment with MIB-626 led to a significant rise in blood NAD levels by day 14 and day 28 compared to baseline. Serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,...

Laborant microscoop onderzoekt hoe NMN verhoogt NAD+ niveaus bij volwassenen

NMN Study: NMN increases NAD+ levels in adults

In February, research results were published regarding the effect of NMN on NAD+ levels. Below is a summary of the results and further background information on the study. Taking two...

NMN Study: NMN increases NAD+ levels in adults

In February, research results were published regarding the effect of NMN on NAD+ levels. Below is a summary of the results and further background information on the study. Taking two...

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